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September 18-19, 2024
San Francisco, California
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Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B clear filter
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Thursday, September 19

10:50am PDT

The Rise of `Transformers` in the Growing PyTorch Ecosystem - Arthur Zucker, Hugging Face
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:50am - 11:15am PDT
Explore how the `tranformers` library grows and adapts to the fast paced and ever-changing AI field to bring the best to the AI community
avatar for Arthur Zucker

Arthur Zucker

Core Maintainer, Hugging Face
Arthur is a Core maintainer at Hugging Face, maintaining several critical libraries such as transformers and tokenizers. He is the owner of the text and LLM parts of Hugging Face's open-source toolkits, resulting in the implementations of LLaMa, Mistral, MoEs, etc and torch.compile... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 10:50am - 11:15am PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

11:20am PDT

Training MoEs at Scale with PyTorch - Mihir Patel & Brian Chu, Databricks
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:20am - 11:45am PDT
Mixture-of-Experts MoE (models) are becoming an increasingly popular architecture choice for large language models (LLMs). In this talk, we describe how to train MoE models with PyTorch. After discussing various performance tradeoffs, we use PyTorch distributed tools like DTensor to build custom parallelism approaches, including expert parallelism via MegaBlocks. We then show how to get near linear scaling to thousands of GPUs, combining PyTorch FSDP and HSDP with our parallelism strategies. We discuss many of the challenges of training at scale, including communication bottlenecks, hardware failures, and networking challenges. We further improve training at scale setups using tools like PyTorch Distributed Checkpointing for rapid saving and loading. We then highlight further optimizations to minimize challenges only present at scale, such as object store failures for large checkpoints.
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Mihir Patel

Research Engineer, Databricks
Mihir Patel is a Research Engineer at MosaicML / Databricks, where he works on distributed training at scale and serves as the tech lead for Composer, an open-source deep learning training library. His primary focus is on large model training, and he has helped build several open... Read More →
avatar for Brian Chu

Brian Chu

Research Engineer, Databricks
Brian is a Research Engineer at MosaicML / Databricks, where he contributes to Composer and Foundry, open-source libraries for training LLMs. He has been involved in the DBRX project and products like the Databricks finetuning and pretraining API. Prior to joining Databricks, Brian... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:20am - 11:45am PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

11:50am PDT

Lightning Talk: Empowering Developers: Tools and Resources for Running Generative AI on Arm CPUs - Pareena Verma, Arm
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm PDT
As the demand for accessible and scalable AI solutions grows, leveraging CPUs for generative AI offers significant advantages in cost, energy efficiency and widespread availability. This sessions aims to equip developers with the ecosystem of tools, resources and technical content needed to effectively run generative AI use cases on Arm CPUs. We have launched a range of easily digestible tutorials for developers, part of our Learning Paths on https://learn.arm.com/, which demonstrate how you can easily and efficiently run small and large language models on Arm-based devices. Learn about end-to-end workflows to accelerate PyTorch based sentiment analysis models from Hugging Face on Arm servers with optimizations in Arm Compute Library kernels for fp32 and bfloat16. Use the new KleidiAI library to accelerate LLMs with AI frameworks and build an Android chat app on your Arm mobile device with ExecuTorch, and XNNPACK. Find out about our roadmap for learning content demonstrating the feasibility and successful deployment of generative AI on Arm-based devices. Help us shape the support that we offer developers.
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Pareena Verma

Principal Solutions Architect, Arm
Pareena is a Principal Solutions Architect at Arm. She has extensive experience working with software developers and SoC architects on numerous Arm based projects involving usage of modeling, ML frameworks, compilers, debuggers and virtual prototyping simulation tools. Pareena holds... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 11:50am - 12:00pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

12:00pm PDT

Lightning Talk: Optimized PyTorch Inference on aarch64 Linux CPUs - Sunita Nadampalli, Amazon (AWS)
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm PDT
In the last 2 years we've optimized performance of PyTorch on Arm processors. The optimizations have included changes to ATen, C10, MKLDNN operators, GEMM backend, and Torch inductor. In many cases instead of writing our own kernel we integrated the Arm compute library, used fastmath kernels with format types like bf16, implemented operator caching, selected optimal backend based on the input context etc. Through these optimizations we improved performance by over 2x. In this presentation first we will talk about how we went across this process, what those optimizations are, performance numbers for AWS Graviton3 processors for around 75 models, and CI/CD workflow details. Next, we will walk through a sample PyTorch application showing basic usage, how to tune runtime and the resulting speed up. At the end of the presentation attendees will learn about PyTorch performance optimizations on Arm processors, how to use them, and the areas where they can collaborate to further improve PyTorch for aarch64 CPUs.
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Sunita Nadampalli

Software Development Manager, Amazon/AWS
Sunita Nadampalli is a Software Development Manager at AWS. She leads Graviton software performance optimizations for AI/ML and HPC workloads. She is passionate about open source software development and delivering high-performance and sustainable software solutions with Arm SoCs... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:00pm - 12:10pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B
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12:10pm PDT

Lightning Talk: AOTriton: Ahead of Time Triton Kernel Libraries on ROCm - Jeff Daily, AMD
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm PDT
Scaled dot product attention provides significant acceleration of the transformer layer through fusion of the multihead attention layer. There are several different algorithms to achieve this but tiled attention through scaled dot product attention via Flash Attention is a very popular approach. In PyTorch on the ROCm platform this is currently achieved through ahead of time compiled (AOT) Triton kernels in a linkable archive. AMD’s work to enable and package these kernels is done through AOTriton, which aims to use Triton’s compiler and GPU kernels for faster development. AOTriton maintains an optimized set of tiling sizes and other parameters to provide optimized, pre-compiled Triton kernels. The differences between JIT and AOT are few but are very important. Despite this, prototyping kernels in Triton is much faster than template-based C++ libraries. In this presentation we will go into detail on the interaction layer between PyTorch and AOTriton, the structure of AOTriton and how to add new triton kernels to AOTriton.
avatar for Jeff Daily

Jeff Daily

Principal Member of Technical Staff, Advanced Micro Devices
Jeff Daily is the chief architect of the Machine Learning Software Engineering group supporting ML frameworks such as PyTorch and onnxruntime on AMD GPUs.  He enjoys delivering open source software to answer the challenges of the rapidly-changing ML landscape.  For over five years... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 12:10pm - 12:20pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

2:15pm PDT

vLLM: Easy, Fast, and Cheap LLM Serving for Everyone - Woosuk Kwon & Xiaoxuan Liu, UC Berkeley
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm PDT
We will present vLLM, an open-source high-performance LLM inference engine built on top of PyTorch. Starting as a research project at UC Berkeley, vLLM has been one of the fastest and most popular LLM inference solutions in industry, reaching 20K+ stars and 350+ contributors. In this talk, we will cover how vLLM adopts various LLM inference optimizations and how it supports various AI accelerators such as AMD GPUs, Google TPUs, and AWS Inferentia. Also, we will discuss how vLLM benefits from PyTorch 2 and its ecosystem.
avatar for Lily Liu

Lily Liu

Student, UCB
Lily (Xiaoxuan) Liu is a PhD student at UC Berkeley, working with Professors Ion Stoica and Alvin Cheung. Her research focuses on machine learning systems, particularly optimizing latency for LLM inference and addressing memory bottlenecks in LLM systems. Her recent work explores... Read More →
avatar for Woosuk Kwon

Woosuk Kwon

PhD Student, UC Berkeley
Woosuk Kwon is a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley, advised by Prof. Ion Stoica. He is interested in building practical, flexible, and high-performance software systems for emerging applications such as large language models. Recently, he has been developing vLLM, a high-performance open-source... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:15pm - 2:40pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

2:45pm PDT

Torchtitan: Large-Scale LLM Training Using Native PyTorch 3D Parallelism - Wanchao Liang, Meta & Linsong Chu, IBM Research
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm PDT
torchtitan is a proof-of-concept for Large-scale LLM training using native PyTorch. It is a repo that showcases PyTorch's latest distributed training features in a clean, minimal codebase. We show-cased end to end large scale training features enablement: 1. 3D/4D Parallelism 2. Efficient distributed checkpoint save/load/resharding 3. Many efficient training techniques including Float8, torch.compile, activation checkpoint, etc.
avatar for Wanchao Liang

Wanchao Liang

Software Engineer, Meta Platforms, Inc.
Software Engineer at Meta, PyTorch team Tech Lead in PyTorch Distributed training. Author of torchtitan, Tensor Parallel and DTensor, a fundamental distributed abstraction to perform distributed computation. Previously worked on the TorchScript compiler, ONNX.
avatar for LINSONG CHU


Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM Research
Linsong is a STSM at IBM Research, focusing on FSDP, torch compile and FP8 in the area of pre-training.
Thursday September 19, 2024 2:45pm - 3:10pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

3:15pm PDT

Slaying OOMs - Mark Saroufim & Jane Xu, Meta
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:15pm - 3:40pm PDT
Have you ever hit an OOM (and wished you had more VRAM)? Who hasn't! Hop on the bus with us and feel the road become smoother as we talk about stacking together techniques like FSDP2 + QLoRa + CPU Offloading + Fused ADAM (thanks Intel) + more in PyTorch native. We will give an overview of these techniques as well as the hard edges we solved in their composition. Curious for more? Or...still OOMing? We also plan on discussing our more researchy work on offloading, pagedness, and low precision optimizers.
avatar for Jane Xu

Jane Xu

SWE, Meta
I'm Jane and I work on the PyTorch core library! Tell me your favorite optimizer, complain to me about your latest OOM, teach me about what you’re excited about.
avatar for Mark Saroufim

Mark Saroufim

Software Engineer, Meta
Mark Saroufim is a PyTorch Engineer at Meta working on inference, compilers and community.
Thursday September 19, 2024 3:15pm - 3:40pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

4:05pm PDT

Understanding the LLM Inference Workload - Mark Moyou, NVIDIA
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:05pm - 4:30pm PDT
Understanding how to effectively size a production grade LLM deployment requires understanding of the model(s), the compute hardware, quantization and parallelization methods, KV Cache budgets, input and output token length predictions, model adapter management and much more. - Why LLM inference is different to standard deep learning inference - Current and future NVIDIA GPU overview - which GPU(s) for which models and why - Understanding the importance of building inference engines - Deep recap on the attention mechanism along with different types of popular attention mechanisms used in production - Deep dive on KV Cache and managing KV Cache budgets - Parallelism (reducing latency) - mainly tensor parallelism, but data, sequence, pipeline, and expert parallelism will be highlighted - Quantization methods on weights, activations, and KV Cache to reduce engine sizes for more effective GPU utilization - Increasing throughput with inflight batching and other techniques - Detailed performance analysis of LLM deployments looking at Time to first token, inter-token latencies, llm deployment characterizations, and more that can help reduce deployment costs
avatar for Mark Moyou

Mark Moyou

Sr. Data Scientist, NVIDIA
Dr. Mark Moyou Senior Data Scientist at NVIDIA working with enterprise clients on AI strategy and deploying machine learning applications to production. He is the host of the Caribbean Tech Pioneers Podcast, The AI Portfolio Podcast and is the Director of the Optimized AI Confere... Read More →
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:05pm - 4:30pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

4:35pm PDT

Intel GPU in Upstream PyTorch: Expanding GPU Choices and Enhancing Backend Flexibility - Eikan Wang & Min Jean Cho, Intel
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:35pm - 5:00pm PDT
The integration of Intel GPU support into PyTorch marks a pivotal enhancement for PyTorch device and runtime. We generalized the PyTorch device and runtime to accommodate streaming devices. The generalization not only facilitates the deployment of PyTorch on ubiquitous hardware but also makes the integration of different HW backends easier. In addition, PyTorch with Intel GPU supports various Intel GPUs from the data center to the client. It enriches and democratizes PyTorch HW ecosystem. Particularly in AIPC scenarios where Intel's integrated and discrete GPUs are prevalent, Pytorch with Intel GPU can deliver promising performance and improved OOB experience in the AIPC domain that can extend PyTorch's applicability significantly.
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Eikan Wang

AI Frameworks Engineer, Intel
Eikan is a staff engineer from Intel and a DL framework tech lead having full-stack experience in DL, from various AI applications to framework, library, and DL compiler. He is actively optimizing on torch.compile stack for Intel platforms, including optimizing Inductor C++/OpenMP... Read More →

Min Jean Cho

Deep Learning Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
Thursday September 19, 2024 4:35pm - 5:00pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B

5:05pm PDT

Implementing a Custom Torch.Compile Backend - A Case Study - Maanav Dalal & Yulong Wang, Microsoft
Thursday September 19, 2024 5:05pm - 5:30pm PDT
This presentation will dive into the development of the ONNXRuntime (ORT) backend for torch.compile. We'll cover the implementation process, starting with a PyTorch 2.0 generated FX graph, highlighting the unique challenges encountered when serving ORT-specific scenarios and how we solved them. Attendees will gain insights into optimizing performance, overcoming integration hurdles, and achieving efficient execution. Whether you're a developer looking to extend PyTorch's capabilities for your own use cases, keen to learn about ONNX Runtime, or interested in backend performance optimization, and the many steps we've taken to get to where we are now, this session promises valuable takeaways and practical knowledge.

Yulong Wang

Software Engineer, Microsoft
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Maanav Dalal

Program Manager, Microsoft
PM @Microsoft, working on the ONNX Exporter team. I adore learning about consumer tech and experimenting with bleeding edge software. I'm passionate about creating delightful user experiences.
Thursday September 19, 2024 5:05pm - 5:30pm PDT
Festival Pavilion - Breakout Room B
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